The Best Online Ice Dyeing Course: Learn everything you need to know about the art of ice dye!

A comprehensive guide through the fascinating, rewarding world of ice dyeing.

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Reap the benefits of our content-packed, streaming online course— designed & taught by an expert ice dye instructor!

  1. Discover a new craft & kickstart your creativity, with amazing results

  2. Learn from a professional who is with you every step of the way

  3. Enjoy multidisciplinary resources all in one course (video, written instructions, shopping lists, helpful links, photo galleries) to maximize your success

"Our dyeing experience was great! Jessica was very knowledgeable and helpful. She was patient and offered thoughtful suggestions while still allowing us to express and create as we saw fit."

TaylorWilmington NC

"We have done “at home tye dye” and this was so much more than that! Being in a place where you know they love what they do made it that much better. We learned actual knowledge of it and it made a great difference. I love how my work turned out!"

-WhitniWinston-Salem NC

waxon studio ice dye courses

Infinite Projects

Unlike a single class, I’m not just taking you through one project. I’m empowering you to come back to the course over and over again to try new combinations, patterns, and techniques for an endless variety of projects, from garments to fabrics.


Multimedia Learning

Infographics, photo galleries, videos, written step-by-steps, shopping lists, links! Not just an endless talking head video; sections broken down, content is easy to find, organized and thoughtfully arranged so that you can find & review exactly the content you need.

Jessica Kaufman ice dye

Learn from an Expert

Ice dye isn’t just my passion; it’s my career. I dye for our own line, for other brands and organizations, I launched kits available nationwide, and I’ve been teaching students & staff for almost 20 years. I know what I’m talking about and how to teach it to you!

Ice Dyeing Online Course

Support & Feedback

Ask questions, share photos, leave comments on every section of the course. Not only will you get a speedy response from me, you can also crowdsource, because everyone who has enrolled can also chime in! As enrollment grows, the community gets stronger.

How to Ice Dye

Save Time & Money

Avoid the costly mistakes that most beginners make when starting out on their own. There’s a lot of conflicting info out there, and we clear it up for you. Use my tips, tricks, and shopping lists to ensure you’re only doing (and buying) what you actually need!

how to do ice tie dye

Extensive Content

We don’t skip a thing in this course: from soup to nuts, you’ll get straightforward & seasoned info on dye chemistry, tools, techniques & methods, versatile & easy patterns, washout best practices, sourcing blanks, color combos, tips for using different fibers, & more.

If you want an in-depth, supportive learning experience for your ice dyeing journey, you’ve found the best! We care about your enjoyment & success.